Configuring Domain Aliasing

Domain aliasing is creating domain names that point to other domains. For example, if your domain name is, you can register another domain name, e.g. and have it point to the location of This means, every Internet user who goes to will land in

A domain alias may have:

The new concept of domain aliasing is treating domain aliases as full-featured domains. It means that they can be registered/renewed via domain registrar right from your control panel. Besides, domain aliases can be easily turned to full-featured hosting domains and vice versa.

This concept provides you with more flexible approach to creating web hosting/mail service aliases. Currently, Parallels H-Sphere supports hosting/mail service alias for the following types of domains:

Hosting Domain Alias

Mail Service Alias

domain of Host Existing Site type
Registered domain
Transferred domain

domain of Host Existing Site type
Registered domain
Transferred domain

If you have domain aliases , they will continue to operate according to the old scheme. To make old aliases full-featured domains, remove them and then add again as described below.

To configure new domain as a web hosting/mail service alias for an existing domain:

  1. Choose Add New Domain in Domain Settings menu.
  2. Enter name for your alias and click Submit:


  3. Click Continue. On the Options page choose settings according to the screenshot below.


  4. Click Submit.

To disable web hosting/mail service alias for a domain:

  1. Go to Edit Domain page:


  2. Click the Trash icon near Mail Service Alias/Alias to existing hosting domain.

To turn domain/mail service alias to full-featured web/mail hosting domain:

  1. Go to Edit Domain page.
  2. Click the Trash icon near Mail Service Alias/Alias to existing hosting domain.
  3. Click Off near Mail Service/Web Service:


  4. Mail/Web Service will show as enabled:


To register domains without web/mail service considered later either for hosting or for aliasing:

  1. Choose Add New Domain in Domain Settings menu.
  2. Enter name for your domain and click Submit.
  3. Click Continue and on the Options page choose settings exactly as shown on the below screenshot.


  4. Click Submit. Later on the Edit Domain page turn ON either the Service buttons or the Alias buttons.