Adding VPS Templates

You can add VPS Templates from your user control panel. VPS template is a predefined set of RPMs to install/remove/upgrade a certain service, tool or application. You can install application (e.g dns-server, ftp-server) and extra Parallels H-Sphere VPS templates. Extra VPS template is a custom set of RPMs provided depending on your OS.

You can add Parallels H-Sphere VPS Templates in your Control Panel:

  1. Go to VPS Templates in the Virtual Private Server menu.
  2. To install a template, click on the icon in the Status column:

    Note: Prior to installing Custom templates, make sure to add them at the bottom of the VPS Templates page.

  3. You can view the template details, by clicking the View icon in the Controls column. You will find the info on packages installed, their version etc.:

You can update Parallels H-Sphere VPS Core templates, which are the basic services, libraries, and tools of Parallels H-Sphere VPS. For this, go to Virtual Private Server>VPS Templates and find the Update icon in the Controls column.