Managing Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes

Mailbox is an area in memory or on a storage device where e-mail is placed. In e-mail systems, each user has a private mailbox. When the user receives e-mail, the mail system automatically puts it in the mailbox.

  1. Go to MS Exchange>Mailboxes menu of your Control Panel
  2. On the form that appears, you can:

To add a mailbox:

  1. Go to MS Exchange>Mailboxes menu of your Control Panel
  2. Click the Add mailbox icon.
  3. Fill in the form you will be taken to:

To edit an existing mailbox:

  1. Go to MS Exchange>Mailboxes menu of your Control Panel
  2. Click the Edit icon next to the mailbox you want to edit
  3. Make necessary changes in the form you will be taken to: