DNS Records

Custom DNS records are required to manage non-HSphere servers with Parallels H-Sphere DNS zone or to configure new logical servers that are added manually.

Depending on the service, you can add:

To add new custom DNS records:

  1. In your admin control panel go to the E.Manager menu -> DNS Manager. The following page shows:

  2. Click the Edit icon near the chosen DNS zone. A page similar to this will appear:

  3. At the bottom of the page that shows, select a DNS record from the drop-down list and click the Go button.
  4. On the form that shows enter all necessary data and click Submit to save.

    You can add one of the following types of DNS records:

  5. CNAME records to map aliases with domain names.

In this section:

Adding custom A records

Adding custom MX records

Adding custom CNAME records