Enabling/Disabling Summary Disk Usage


In a Certain Plan

In All User/Reseller Plans


  1. Include Summary Disk Usage in the plan.

Log into each existing user account under this plan and in the Control Area on the left (or Quick Access page, the Account menu for the Left Menu design) press the Add button next to Disk Usage.

  1. Log into the CP server as the cpanel user.
  2. Execute the SummaryQuotaUpdate class:
    java psoft.hsphere.converter.SummaryQuotasUpdate --enable
  3. Restart Parallels H-Sphere.

Summary Disk Usage free units will be set to equal Free Disk Quota, its monthly and usage prices will be removed.


Exclude Summary Disk Usage from the plan.

  1. Log into the CP server as the cpanel user.
  2. Execute the SummaryQuotaUpdate class:
    java psoft.hsphere.converter.SummaryQuotasUpdate --disable
  3. Restart Parallels H-Sphere.