Step 1. Access Your Reseller Account

Parallels H-Sphere offers simplified reseller concept which means more convenient way to work with both the Reseller User account (hereinafter referred to as Reseller Billing) and the Reseller Master Admin account which is now created automatically once reseller account is created. Each of the above accounts has its own CP design.

The new approach allows resellers to switch between accounts easily without having to log out/into accounts as if they worked with one CP. Both Reseller Admin and Reseller Billing interfaces are provided with respective links (menu items) to switch between reseller billing account and reseller admin account CP's. They will open in one and the same window.

To switch to Reseller Billing CP:


To switch to Reseller Admin CP:


Second way to access Reseller Admin CP is to log into your Reseller Admin CP from Reseller Billing interface. In this case, however, Reseller Admin CP will open in the new window.

There's also a third way to access Reseller Admin Section: via Reseller CP URL which can contain either Reseller CP alias or registered domain name. Enter URL into the address bar and when the login page is loaded, enter Reseller User (billing account) login and password. Parallels H-Sphere will send you to the Reseller Admin CP. However, we don't recommend doing so for privacy/security reasons. Reseller can have several Admin accounts but only one Reseller Master Admin Account. According to that, switching between the Reseller Billing and Reseller Admin is possible only via Reseller Master Admin. Minor Admin accounts can't find and log into the Master Admin Account, therefore switching panels is security safe.