Step 4. Add Server Aliases

If you, as a reseller, don't need your own DNS servers, skip this step.

Server alias is your own name for the parent host. Once you set up the server alias, it will appear everywhere in place of the real server name. In other words, the parent host will become totally transparent to the end customers, and you will look to them as a totally independent hosting provider.

To add server aliases:

  1. Select Server Aliases in the E. Manager menu.
  2. Set your server aliases for each host in the Reseller`s DNS server aliases section and click Submit. These server aliases must be registered with your domain name registrar. Note: Name servers and the corresponding IP's for each of them will show in Reseller`s DNS server aliases section.
  3. Set your server aliases for each host in the Other reseller's server aliases section and click Submit. These server aliases must be registered with any registrar. Note: until your name servers are registered by an accredited registrar, they will never be recognized by servers across the Internet and none of your reseller domains will work. It usually takes about 2 to 4 days before these name servers become active across the Internet.