Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers feature automates your leasing entire servers, both your own and your provider's ones, to your end users granting them full control over the server.

Parallels H-Sphere performs complex billing procedures for dedicated hosting. However, it is not designed for physical administration of dedicated servers. Before adding a server to the system, prepare it according to your clients' preference: provide hardware, install operating system and software to ensure their web presence. If you apply any changes to dedicated servers via the interface, you have to effect them manually on the physical level. This means that if, for instance, extra IPs are added via the interface, the same physical actions have to be done. Or if a dedicated server was withheld from an account, you also need to block access to the server for the client who had been owing it and manually clean up the server to prepare it for future use.

In this chapter:

Adding Network Switches

Creating/Managing Dedicated Server Templates

Dedicated Server Plans

Managing Dedicated Servers

Custom-built Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Server Status

Assigning Additional IP Ranges

Dedicated Servers' Maintenance